All the text, video and audio on this website has been created by, and belongs to, Maria Fernandez.
All the photographs on this website have either been taken by Maria Fernandez, purchased from their rightful owners, or used with written permission from their copyright owners.
Are you thinking of copying any of the content on this site to publish it elsewhere? That’d be a bad idea. A very bad idea indeed.
If you do, I’m afraid you risk having your site permanently removed from the Internet.
If you publish any content from this website as part of a website, app, book, ebook, video, podcast, magazine, or any other media, whether it’s for profit or not, well, that’s plain, broad light theft. And thieves are dealt with in a court of law.
You’ve got nothing to gain by stealing Maria Fernandez’s content, and everything to lose.
What is ‘Content’?: By Content Maria Fernandez is referring to any text, photograph, audio recording, video, or any other material published on this website.
Have you seen any of Maria Fernandez’s content published elsewhere?
Please, contact Maria Fernandez and report it.
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